Model with tool storage board (C57P) and two drawer cabinets. Drawer cabinet: five drawers, 588x367 mm, 3 90 mm high 1 180 mm and 1 280 mm high, with ball bearing slides. Can accommodate thermoformed trays. Centralized lock. Panel tool holder with holes on back for wall mounting. Vertically operated aluminium shutter, with lock. Three removable perforated panels for supporting tools. Multi-ply worktop, coated in plastic laminate with three holes for vice item 1599F/150, to be ordered separately.
Model with tool storage board (C57P) and two drawer cabinets. Drawer cabinet: five drawers, 588x367 mm, 3 90 mm high 1 180 mm and 1 280 mm high, with ball bearing slides. Can accommodate thermoformed trays Centralized lock. Panel tool holder with holes on back for wall mounting. Vertically operated aluminium shutter, with lock. Three removable perforated panels for supporting tools. Multi-ply wood worktop, coated in plastic laminate with three holes for vice item 1599F/150, to be ordered separately.
Metallist nutikas töölaud koos sahteigal ja eemaldatav õlikogumismahutiga.
Kogumiskaev kogub õlijäätmeid asjadelt, mis laual lahti võetakse.
Laua kalle on laua vasakul küljel asuva õlikaevu suunas.
Lauaplaati on lihtne pühkida ja puhastada.
Tööpind on valmistatud mitmekihilisest puidust, augud kruustangide jaoks 1599F/125 (eraldi tellitavad).
6 sahtlit (588x367 mm) kuullaagritega:
4 sahtlit, 70 mm kõrge
1 sahtel, 140 mm kõrge
1 sahtel, 280 mm kõrge.
Vahtkummist mattidega sahtli põhjas.
Vastupidav nailonist sahtli käepide.
Sahtlitesse saab paigutada termovormitud tööriistasisusid.
Ees tsentraliseeritud turvalukk.
Riiul laua all
Võimalik varustada paberirullihoidjaga (2400S-R/PC) ja pudelihoidjaga (2400S/PF), tellida eraldi.
2629,10 €