Model with two drawer cabinets. Drawer cabinet: five drawers, 588x367 mm, 3 90 mm high 1 180 mm and 1 280 mm high, with ball bearing slides. Can accommodate thermoformed trays. Centralized lock. Multi-ply worktop, coated in plastic laminate with three holes for vice item 1599F/150, to be ordered separately.
Model with two drawer cabinets. Drawer cabinet: five drawers, 588x367 mm, 3 90 mm high 1 180 mm and 1 280 mm high, with ball bearing slides. Can accommodate thermoformed trays. Centralized lock. Multi-ply wood worktop, coated in plastic laminate with three holes for vice item 1599F/150, to be ordered separately.
MasterCargo töölaud
Kergem, kui võiksite arvata!
506,30 €
Tööpind on valmistatud mitmekihilisest puidust, augud kruustangide jaoks 1599F/125 (eraldi tellitavad).
6 sahtlit (588x367 mm) kuullaagritega:
4 sahtlit, 70 mm kõrge
1 sahtel, 140 mm kõrge
1 sahtel, 280 mm kõrge.
Vahtkummist mattidega sahtli põhjas.
Vastupidav nailonist sahtli käepide.
Sahtlitesse saab paigutada termovormitud tööriistasisusid.
Ees tsentraliseeritud turvalukk.
Riiul laua all
Võimalik varustada paberirullihoidjaga (2400S-R/PC) ja pudelihoidjaga (2400S/PF), tellida eraldi.
2629,10 €