Seinakapp, amortidega uksega töökoja sisustuse komplektile, 0,8 m pikk
Dimensions: 800x600 mm; fitted with gas springs making it easier to open and close door Dimensions: 800x600 mm; fitted with gas springs making it easier to open and close door
Põhjalik töökoja varustuse kombinatsioon RSC55
2 meetri pikkune töökojalaud
Parem jalg pistikupesadega
4 sahtliga (588x367 mm) with ball bearing slides • Aluminium opening system throughout length of drawer • Drawer bases protected by foamed rubber mats • Front centralized lock 4 sahtliga (588x367 mm) with ball bearing slides • Aluminium opening system thr
• Perforeeritud tööriista seina nurgamoodul (700x1000 mm) • 2 kinnitusriiulit (665x150 mm)